Dr. O. A. Akinbode
Dr. O. A. Akinbode

The Publications Unit is saddled with the responsibility of collating, coordinating and overseeing the production of all official publications of the institute. It prepares and produces relevant scientific and practical documents for dissemination of information on the activities and achievements of the   institute.

The  unit has two  sections viz.  the printing section and Moor Journal Publication section.

The documents produced include  the institute’s  bulletins,  institute’s  journals,  promotional materials ( posters and  calendars),  workshop and  conferences  proceedings, REFILS proceedings,  in-house  reports,  farmers’  guides on various crops and livestock production,  programmes of  events,  manuals for training, participants’ tags etc. The  unit facilitates and oversees submission of manuscripts,  assigning to reviewers, appointment of reviewers, collection and collation of peer reviewed manuscripts and editing of documents for Moor Journal of Agricultural Research (MJAR). It also works with the Editorial Board for production of the internationally reputable journal. The MJAR is a  publication in which research findings by scholars in and relating to agricultural disciplines are  published.